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Piano Masterclass by Colleen Lee | 李嘉齡鋼琴大師班
Hong Kong pianist Colleen Lee achieved international recognition after winning 6th Prize at the 15th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano
Competition. She has performed extensively around the world in solo recitals, and with orchestras including the Warsaw, the China, the Israel and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestras. She was the Artist Associate of Hong Kong Sinfonietta in the 2010/11 Season. Lee has appeared in major festivals including the Duszniki Festival in Poland, Musicus Fest in Espoo, Finland and Shanghai New Music Week. She made her debut with the London Symphony Orchestra under Sir Simon Rattle in September 2019.
An enthusiastic chamber musician, Lee frequently appears in chamber music concerts and has also collaborated with world-famous instrumentalists including violinists Dmitry Sitkovesky, Ning Feng and Kang Dong-suk, cellists Trey Lee, Daniel Müller-Schott, Alexander Kniazev and Alban Gerhardt, trumpet virtuoso Sergei Nakarialov and the Shanghai Quartet. She is a member of the RTHK Chamber Soloists.
Lee studied under Professor Eleanor Wong at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and with Arie Vardi at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien in Hannover. Her discography includes an all Chopin album recorded on the Pleyel Piano released by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, and a complete Scarlatti Sonatas album by Naxos. She was also featured on the Hong Kong Sinfonietta DECCA album This is Classical Music 3.
She is currently the Honorary Artist-in-Residence of the Education University of Hong Kong and a member of the piano faculty at HKAPA and at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Performer: $1200 (incl. 30-min live instruction by the master, live audience access, and online access to the full video after the masterclass)
Live audience: $220 (performers and audience who attended our masterclass series before will receive 5% off)
Online audience: $125 (performers and audience who attended our masterclass series before will receive 5% off)
Piano Masterclass by Hui Ling | 許寧鋼琴大師班
香港著名鋼琴家和教育家,香港演藝學院,香港大學,香港中文大學及香港浸會大學教授。 生於北京一個音樂世家, 三歲開始學習鋼琴, 曾考入北京中央音樂學院附中受訓。 移居香港後於演藝學院以高級優異成績完成演藝專業文憑課程,並赴美國三藩市音樂學院深造,於四年間完成音樂學士與碩士學位。 作為一個獨奏家, 許氏曾與多個樂團合作, 其中包括澳洲昆士蘭青年樂團、在美國加州的謝拉郡交響樂團、聖羅莎交響樂團及瑪林交響樂團。 此外,她曾以傑出演出者身分在加州聖路易斯奧比斯堡莫札特音樂節中演出,並於1994至1999年間,以客席鋼琴家身分參加每年一度的俄亥俄州蘭卡斯特音樂節,曾兩度與著名鋼琴家木村‧柏加合作,演出鋼琴四手聯彈與四架鋼琴聯奏。 許氏於1994年返港後, 積極從事鋼琴演奏與教育工作, 曾多次舉行獨奏、重奏音樂會, 為電臺與電視台節目演出, 舉行有關音樂的講座﹑大師班以及擔任鋼琴比賽的評判。 她於2000年與香港鋼琴家郭品文創辦了雙鋼琴組合《諄意四手》,經常演奏她們自己原創及改變的作品,並舉辦國內外巡演。 許氏曾師隨楊鏡釧、殷承宗、李其芳、鐘榮達及馬克‧麥卡雷。
Performer: $1200 (incl. 30-min live instruction by the master, live audience access, and online access to the full video after the masterclass)
Live audience: $220 (performers and audience who attended our masterclass series before will receive 5% off)
Online audience: $125 (performers and audience who attended our masterclass series before will receive 5% off)
Piano Masterclass by Julie Kuok | 郭品文鋼琴大師班
Julie Kuok is a Steinway artist who enjoys a successful career as a performer, composer and music educationalist. She is currently a member of the piano faculty at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University. She was the hostess in the ABRSM Piano Exam programmes for RTHK Radio 4 from 2014-2016, and has been a jury member of many piano competitions.
Julie has appeared as soloist with the Oberlin Chamber Orchestra, the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia, the Hong Kong Festival Orchestra, the Xinjiang Philharmonic Orchestra and the Nanjing Philharmonic Orchestra. Since 2000 she has partnered pianist Hui Ling as a member of the HKDuo, and has also partnered flautist Matthew Wu in recitals since 2012. Other internationally acclaimed musicians she has collaborated with include Paul Edmund-Davis, Peter-Lukas Graf, Claude Delangle, Deborah Humble and Albrecht Menzel. She has appeared recently in the project “Beethoven 32” organised by the Radio Television Hong Kong.
As a composer, she is a member of the Chinese Woman Composers’ Association, and had been commissioned by the Leisure and Cultural Service Department to write large scale piano ensemble works for special events like the 20th and 30th Anniversaries of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the 60th Anniversary of the Hong Kong City Hall. Her piano album for the young “The Fantasy of Little C” has appeared in many piano competitions as set pieces.
Performer: $1200 (incl. 30-min live instruction by the master, live audience access, and an online access of the whole video after the masterclass)
Live audience: $220 (performers and audience who attended our masterclass series before will receive 5% off)
Online audience: $125 (performers and audience who attended our masterclass series before will receive 5% off)
Adult Musicianship Training Online Course | 成人音樂技巧網上訓練課程
Born in Hong Kong, Cheung Ping began studying piano and violin from the age of five. He furthered his music education at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the guidance of Nancy Loo, Amber Chum and Raymond Young. During this period, Ping was awarded the Tom Lee Music Scholarship, Chan Ho Choi Enchanting Music Scholarship and the Society of APA Scholarships. He also studied piano under the highly regarded pedagogue Bernd Goetzke in Germany, and views this as an important period in his pianistic development. In 2015, Ping was selected to be one of the promising Young Music Makers by Radio Television Hong Kong. Starting from 2010, Ping has regularly performed in master classes by Sequeira Costa, Stephen Savage, Lee Kum Sing, Vanessa Latarche, Aquiles Delle Vigne, Peter Serkin and Fernando Garcia Torres. Ping was the recipient of the Molly McAulay Scholarship in 2016 and subsequently obtained his Master’s degree in Piano Performance at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, studying under the tutelage of Gerrard Willems and Phillip Shovk. Ping actively partakes in chamber music and formed the quartet Etoile which premiered in 2008. Ping was the artistic director and conductor of Arco Music Academy Chamber Orchestra in Sydney. Additionally, Ping also has extensive performance experience, having given both solo and collaborative recitals in Hong Kong, Halle, Leipzig, Berlin, Sydney and Brisbane. Ping enjoys a wide range of musical activity by combining classical music with other areas, from pop culture and drama to community work. In 2013, he appeared as the director, composer and starring performer in Music X Dream, a music comedy show. In 2014, Ping founded Rhythmic, a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing educational concerts for underprivileged children in Hong Kong. He is also currently teaching at Haw Par Music and Baron School of Music.
由兩位留美10年及以上的音樂博士為大家講解報考須知,內容亦包括認識大學種類,如何挑選合適自己的學校,如何預備不同文件,例如personal statement, 了解audition及interview過程和注意事項,了解不同獎學金類型及如何negotiate獎學金offer,及認識美國院校文化等. 屆時亦有Q&A session.
兩位講者均曾在美國擔任助教及獲近全額獎學金於美國頂尖學校畢業,除分享學生時期的經驗外,Dr. Katy Ho Weatherly現為美國首都華盛頓校區聯網管理層,擔任教師顧問及音樂課程編訂總顧問,亦經常與不同表演藝術團體合作(例如The Kennedy Center, Washington Performing Arts等). Dr. Elsa Lee亦曾於2018-20獲選為美國音樂大學學會(College Music Society)東北部董事及2017 Eastman Leadership Conference的5位學生代表之一,曾與不同大學的院長及老師共事,對美國大學架構及收生流程有一定的理解.
*每位報名者於講座舉辦後如需要一對一consultation, 可享半價優惠*
Dr. Katy Ho Weatherly
Dr. Elsa Lee
「楊氏極富吸引力的悠揚樂感、澄明的音色與透徹的句法廣受讚譽。無容置疑,他是一位擁有非凡實力的鋼琴家,憑著無懈可擊的技巧與演繹風格即已說明一切。其演奏流露出他的品味、動人的抒情感與及五光十色的觸鍵變化,並同時展現熱情而深廣細膩的藝術境界。」 - 義大利省報
旅居維也納十一年的鋼琴家楊習禮,是備受國際輿論評為才華出眾的香港傑出音樂家之一。作為香港首位 Bösendorfer《貝森朵夫》藝術家,他的演奏足跡遍及歐、亞,北美多國,包括奧地利、德國、義大利、英國,加拿大、俄羅斯、韓國、馬來西亞、臺灣、中國等地,多年來舉行的音樂會不計其數,贏得各地樂評及觀眾極高讚賞。他的演奏曾被傳媒盛讚為「具想像力,富浪漫詩情」、「把技術與音樂融為一體,擅于傳達美的訊息」、「真摯情感表露無遺,演繹的深度,音色的精緻脫俗,令人深受感動」。楊氏於義大利羅馬國際鋼琴大賽,獲雙鋼琴組一等金獎和二重奏組銀獎,亦在德國博倫舒威的國際音樂節中演出,由於表現突出而獲頒發樂壇新秀獎,且獲邀再度演出。
除了忙於演出外,對培育後輩亦不遺餘力, 現為海南大學藝術學院、四川文化藝術學院客座教授,亦任教於香港演藝學院鍵盤系、香港浸會大學、香港中文大學、香港大學和香港教育大學之音樂系,桃李滿門。作為香港備受推崇之教育家,他多名學生均在亞洲及國際比賽奪魁,獲歐、美、澳等頂尖大學及音樂學院錄取,完成碩士或博士學位。
楊習禮是香港最多才多藝和最著名的鋼琴家之一,除活躍於獨奏和室樂演出外,又與歌唱家和樂器演奏家合作、替電臺節目錄音廣播,在本港和外地主持大師班和講座。楊氏亦是一位炙手可熱的評委,為區內多個國際鋼琴比賽擔任評審,包括施坦威國際青少年鋼琴比賽、Kawai 亞洲鋼琴大賽、亞洲青少年音樂比賽、傑出青少年音樂家大獎、香港–國際鋼琴公開賽、香港鋼琴公開比賽、廣州鋼琴公開賽、澳門青年音樂比賽、澳門鋼琴公開比賽及香港校際音樂節等。他又獲邀為香港–國際鋼琴公開賽中國區選拔賽評委主席、全港學生公開音樂比賽首席評判及Yamaha音樂基金會的考官,亦是鋼琴四重奏組合「Piano Extravaganza」的創辦人。此外,他亦出任全球國際音樂家協會名譽顧問,中國國際鋼琴教育協會、香港國際音樂家協會、香港音樂導師同盟及香港鋼琴音樂協會理事。
楊習禮出生於香港,因對音樂藝術之熱誠及理想,他遠赴享譽盛譽之奧地利國立維也納音樂及表演藝術大學深造。楊氏期間不斷力求突破,鑽研多門不同學科,包括鋼琴演奏及教學法、聲樂伴奏、歌劇指導及音樂理論。于大學畢業時,分別取得鋼琴演奏及伴奏雙碩士學位、演奏家文憑及鋼琴教學文憑。在求學期間屢獲殊榮,是首位榮獲奧地利政府頒發最高級別獎學金的香港鋼琴家,更連續多次奪得奧地利大學協會獎學金。他更因個人的卓越成就及多方推薦,和對音樂藝術所作出的貢獻,獲得奧地利政府頒授國籍。他曾獲多位名家悉心指導,包括維也納古典派演繹權威巴道拉.史歌達、克拉拉.舒曼的再傳弟子約瑟夫.巴諾維茲、 貝多芬第五代及李斯特第三代傳人弗萊雪曼、盧茲及薛德雷。 此外,他是倫敦聖三一音樂學的院士和皇家音樂學院的副院士。
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